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22-23.Feb; Northern Ireland AV-Festival
von Freitag, 22. Februar 2019 -  08:00
bis Samstag, 23. Februar 2019 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 4053

NIPA Audio Visual Festival 2019

Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd February 2019

The Courtyard Theatre, Ballyearl Arts & Leisure Centre

585 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5RZ

The following gives the starting times of each session over the Friday and Saturday.

All Sessions are open to the public.

Admission £5 per session or £10 for the weekend.

Friday 22nd February

7:15pm - Introduction and Presentation by judge, Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB APAGB AV-AFIAP

Saturday 23rd February

10:30am - First and Second Judging Sessions

2:00pm - Third and Fourth Judging Sessions 

7:30pm - Presentation of Selected Entries and Awards

Ballyearl Arts & Leisure Centre Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/in2FHitaxFT2

Veranstaltungsort* : Ballyearl
Event-Link : http://www.niphoto.co.uk/nipa-av-festival-2019
