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12-13.Mrz; AV Competition North Wales
von Samstag, 12. März 2011 -  08:00
bis Sonntag, 13. März 2011 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 8626

The North Wales & Wirral Audio Visual Group was formed in the Summer of 2006. Our first event was The IAC Geoffrey Round International Audio Visual Competition held in March 2007. This was a great success and the group has grown from strength to strength holding approximately 4 meetings a year. It has members from many of the local camera clubs but attracts members from all over. Meetings are held in the converted school at Capel Curig in the heart of Snowdonia

The IAC Geoffrey Round International AV Competition is being held this year on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th March 2011 at Capel Curig - Closing date for entries is 7th February 2011.

Please contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. for details of the event.

Session 1 Saturday 12th March 2.00pm

01 Happy Thais                    by Ria Katzke (SA)                                                                            3’42”

A travelogue of Bangkok.

02 The Lost Indians of Patagonia by Jean-Pierre Simon (FRA)                                 6’48”

In particularly difficult climatic conditions, the Indians of the world’s end shared the hostile immensity of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. The arrival of white colonists attracted covetousness. The Indians quickly became undesirable. In 50 years, the extermination of the Indians of Patagonia was total.

03 Escape                             by Suzanne Walker (UK)                                                   10’56”

A totally original AV, set in Manchester and surrounding area. A man convicted of murder is released after serving his sentence. He finds the world has changed considerably. Can he cope and build a new life? Can he put the past behind him?

04 Banff in the Fall                              by Peter Lucas & Peggy Franks (*UK)                             3’30”

No summary supplied

05 Little Ted’s Big Adventure by Jill Bunting & John Smith (UK)                                             4’50”

Hobbies should be fun and AV is no exception. We certainly had a lot of fun making this sequence, even if we did get a few funny looks from passers by!!!

06 An English Event            by Alan Colegrave (*UK)                                                    7’08”

England has several unusual events. This one takes place on the last Sunday of January.

07 El Greco                           by Eddie Spence (UK)                                                        8’14”

El Greco talks about the events that have marked his life and how he came to live in Toledo where he was given the name El Greco.

08 Special                             by Jeff Mansell & Howard Bagshaw (UK)                       8’45”

All children are special, but those who attend Walton Hall School need particular support to bring out their special talents. The sequence looks behind the scenes at what it takes to bring out the best in these children.

09 A Visit to Staffa & Fingal’s Cave by Chris Bate (*UK)                                                                             9’55”

Taking the audience along on a journey to the Isle of Staffa. Looking at the history, geology and wildlife of this spectacular Scottish Island.

10 Joyce the Librarian        by Kathleen Bird (*UK)                                                                      3’06”

A spinster librarian has an affair at the age of 40.


11 Swaledale                        by Tony Collinson (*UK)                                                   8’41”

Showing the beauty of Swaledale and the hardship of it’s people throughout the years.

12 Gangga Dreaming          by Len Deeley (UK)                                                            5’04”

The images give an example of the amazing diversity of marine life off the island of Gangga in Indonesia.

13 A Crack in Time                              by Johan Werbrouck (BEL)                                                              11’55”

This AV is a homage to the remarkable sculptures of artist Patrick Van Craenenbroeck and a quest for the imaginary birthplace of the mythical nation that was created by the artist. The text is a collage of poetic texts written by four poets who were inspired by the sculptures and describes the thoughts, feelings and the way of life of these mythic people.

14 Postcard from Ireland    by Kate Brown (*UK)                                                          3’40”

My thoughts while walking on a beautiful beach in Donegal and how these thoughts affect me.

15 The Outback Pioneers   by Mike Kersting (UK)                                                       4’

No summary supplied.

16 Brothers in Arms            by Gordon Nicklin (*UK)                                                   6’35”

No summary supplied.

17 Uluru                                                by Alia Naughton (*AUS)                                                   6’18”

Degsy Jones (an Englishman and has never been to Australia) caught the essence and spirituality in his poem about Uluru. When I visited Uluru, it was the most spiritual place I had been to. So together with my photography and Degsy’s poem, I hope you too will be spirited to another world.

18 Bernese Walks                by Malcolm & Jenny Gee (*UK)                                       7’20”

This Sequence was shot in the Bernese Oberland, central Switzerland, during a series of holidays, almost exclusively during the month of June. It conveys the joy of getting up into the mountains and spending the days walking down, admiring the expansive views and strolling through flower-filled meadows, with often no one else in sight.

19 A Grand Design                              by Bendan O’Sullivan (IRE)                                                           10’35”

A symphony of Hope for a new beginning, inspired by the opening of the new Grand Canal Theatre and the development of the local area around it. The author’s vision of a story of new beginnings, innovative structures from the time the Grand Canal Dock was created to the present day.




Session 2 Saturday 12th March 7.00pm

20 After the Season             by Cezary Dubiel (POL)                                                      3’11”

This diaporama is a result of a walk taken along a lonely beach one late autumn day. It presents picturesque Polish beaches after the summer season.

21 Family Identity                               by Beata Boguslawska & Adam Boguslawski (POL)    3’28”

What is meaning family identity?

22 Picpus Circus                  by Rachel Herman (FRA)                                                   2’

Mais, où est Félix?? – But, where is Felix??

23 And they left traces……..              by Dini van Gent (NL)                                                        5’20”

Fiction? No reality! Graffiti and destruction – a sign of this century. But…a photographer’s view is different and she makes a mysterious sequence out of all the images.

24 The Beams is Very Low by Dave & Carol Gillow (UK)                                                            5’11”

A tour guide takes us around the birthplace of William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon and issues a dire warning.

25 The Sun                           by Alan Lyons (IRE)                                                           2’57”

A reflection on the sun and it’s place in our lives.

26 Abstractions                                   by Michael Brown (UK)                                                      4’18”

The sequence celebrates the production of abstract images from photographs using digital techniques.

27 Tha Repz                         by Chris Noble (UK)                                                           6’11”

Promotional sequence for a local band known as Tha Repz. All the photos were taken at a live rehearsal.

28 Loquita                            by Rachel Herman (FRA)                                                  1’45”

Where can we take an unusual glance on common things?

29 Safari through the Eyes of Mary  by Beata Boguslawska (POL)                          0’57”

No summary supplied.

30 Bangkok, ….ou Presque               by Ricardo Zarate (FRA)                                                    0’32”

Can we make a photo on a rainy day??

31 Colour Wash                   by Peter Coles, Valerie & Chris Elliot                                               2'57”

The three authors go looking for bluebells in Woburn Abbey. They are impressed by the other colours they see. Eventually they find the bluebells.

32 Windows by Jill Bunting, Gwyn Griffiths, Will Griffiths, Mal Hughes, Ted & Joan Reece 3’42”

Ted Reece looks back at his time working in the quarry foundry.

33 Camera People                               by Alan Boothman (UK)                                                    7’31”

The show portrays the enjoyment of amateur photography, in clubs or alone, from childhood to retirement, indoors, outdoors and using post-manipulation on the computer. The soundtrack includes a number of appropriate songs, like the F-Stop Blues.

34 Wrecks                             by Carol Packwood (*AUS)                                                               3’

Driving on the road out of Alice Springs we were amazed at all the crashed and abandoned cars etc. For whatever reason they are just left and not cleared away.

35 A Journey                        by Michael Oates (*UK)                                                     5’

Taking an imaginary journey to the Moon. All effects sounds were recorded by the author. All photographs are also by the author.

36 I’m an Engineer                              by Barbara & David Pickford (UK)                                   2’47”

The story adapts a well known tale into something which reflects the life of the author very well.


37 21 Guns                          by John Hales (UK)                                                           5’35”

Blatantly anti war, though not obvious until late in the sequence. The music came first and gave me the idea,

which is close to my heart.

38 Night Caller                     by John Smith (UK)                                                           2’

A dark moonlit night, a lonely house next to the churchyard and an

unexpected caller - what does he want?

39 Phantasy                          by Brian Harvey (UK)                                                         8’48”

A fantasy trip into the plant world.

40 Cwmorthin Requiem      by Peter Wylde (*UK)                                                         6’30”

Explanation of location & circumstance, followed by poem.

41 Our Road to Santiago de Compostela   by Pearl Walsh (*IRE)                                              6’17”

To tell the story of our walk to Santiago de Compostela - the Spanish Pilgrimage City since the 9th Century and to share our experiences and encounters as we make our way there.

42 Side Effects                     by Giacomo Cicciotti (*ITL)                                                             8’11”

A conflict that has lasted a century has been the scene of the story of two peoples who seek to affirm their existence. Israel has confined Palestinians in a huge open-air prison, Hamas’s new strategy of hitting the Israeli people to continue with suicide bombings. This tense situation has an impact on the people of both countries, who suffer the side effects.

43 The Wooden Soul           by Marek Stanislawczyk (*POL)                                       3’6”

Sequence is a real story about a Polish sculpture who spends his life with wood. His workplace is a basement of the Pomeranain Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin (Poland). Being an artist, the sculptor gives his ‘wooden victims’ very deep souls inside……

44 Aimless                            by Giel Rombout (NL)                                                      3’40”

The village Doel near the river Schelde (Belgium) is threatened with complete demolition due to the future enlargement of the harbour at Antwerp. This has seen many people having to sell their homes to the development corporation of that enlargement, many historical buildings will be destroyed. The village is empty now, only the birds are still there.

45 Behind the Mirror           by Erhard Hobrecker (SW)                                                4’54”

A Far East tale, imaging the everlasting memory and presence of beloved dead persons.

46 Innse Gall                        by Peter Lucas & Peggy Franks (*UK)                                             3’30”

No summary supplied

47 The Mountain by Marion Waine, Peter Wylde, Andy Polakowski, Terry Mills & Les Starling. 2’

Man's relationship with the mountain. A group effort using photographs by John Rowell.

Session 3 Sunday 13th March 10.00am

48 The Old Yew Tree           by Dini van Gent (NL)                                                        6’58”

An old yew tree in the midlands tells his history while standing there on a graveyard for many, many years.

49 Penny Farm                     by Julie England (UK)                                                        5’50”

No summary supplied.

50 One World                       by Chris Noble (UK)                                                          4’30”

Social Documentary highlighting some of the problems in the world today and dealing with attitudes towards these. .

51 Musclor                            by Ricardo Zarate (FRA)                                                 00’24”

The raw strength.

52 Letters from Wilfred       by Keith Storey (*UK)                                                         6’50”

Letters from Wilfred to his mother in World War One.

53 The Nazca Lines             by Jean-Pierre Simon (FRA)                                                             7’05”

On a desert plateau, in the south-west of Peru, the Nazcas traced lines, geometrical figures, animal and vegetable forms over extensive kilometres. These geoglyphes, which can only be observed from the sky, constitutes one of the greatest mysteries of our past and always causes great curiosity in the world.

54 Faith                                 by Peter Coles & Clare Fleming                                        3'20”

A simple parable about faith.

55 “It was all so different..…” by Howard Gregory (UK)                                                             7’58”

Times have changed. So have Manchester Docks. We used to manufacture, now we consume…..

56 Brown Mamba                 by Jeff Morris (SA)                                                                             3’38”

Herman Charles Bosman (1905-1951) is the South African writer widely regarded as our geatest short story writer. Like this one, most of his stories have a twist at the end.

57 Sunrise in Egypt             by Alia Naughton (*AUS)                                                   6’26”

The highlight of my trip to Egypt was a hot air balloon ride over Luxor. Katherine Hindley’s poem matched my photographs perfectly. But before the poem, the AV begins with scenes from Egypt to show its beauty and diversity.

58 Staethford                       by Howard Bagshaw (UK)                                                 5’

Staethford was granted a Royal Charter in 1206. What were the origins of the town and is anything left of the town as it was in 1206?

59 The Runaway                  by Andy Polakowski (*UK)                                                4’57”

The story of a small bird that ran away from its master. Please note: no cute lonely little chickens were hurt in the making of this production.


60 Gettysburg 1863             by John Holt (*UK)                                                                             11’20”

The epic story of the battle of Gettysburg in 1863 during the American Civil War and the consequences for President Abraham Lincoln.

61 De Laatste Getuige (The Last Witness) by Dirk Vancoillie (*BEL)                         6’55”

Now a museum, run by a group of retired miners, the Beringen Coal Mine closed in 1989. The AV takes you around the site. Flashbacks remind us of the severe working conditions under which the black gold was extracted.

62 Stop the Cavalry             by Erhard Hobrecker (SWI)                                                2’06”

Are we not all fed-up with the circus of international summits and the vain declarations of the politics about ‘financial austerity’, and ‘justice’ and ‘peace’ and, and and….???

63 The Loves I Have            by Martin Fry (UK)                                                                              11’56”

The story of the first lady of sculpture.

64 The Beach                       by Michael Oates (*UK)                                                      4’40”

Visiting the beach in Cornwall, this sequence shows there is much more to see and photograph when you look closer rather than just the wider view.

65 Non Omnis Moriar          by Freddy Adam (*BEL)                                                     9’58”

The former camp grounds Buchenwald is one of the most visited memorials from the Second World War in Germany.

66 Grapes, Pear & Plum      by Jill Bunting (UK)                                                           3’09”

I have always wanted to paint, but have never been any good at it. So I took up Photography instead. Then I joined an art class at college and gradually learnt the techniques, this is the result.

67 My Passion                      by Margaret Finlay (*IRE)                                                   3’30”

The AV revolves around the poem ‘Ode to a Golf Ball’ – a humorous take on golf. The preamble to the poem, written by myself, is about my attitude to the game which I play regularly and enjoy immensely. However it’s also a game that can infuse great passion and frustration simultaneously

Session 4 Sunday 13th March 2.00pm

68 The Drum of Life            by Tony Spiers (UK)                                                           4’01”

A biography.

69 If only                               by Brian Harvey (UK)                                                         3’25”

If only man would appreciate the world around him.

70 The Nut that Got Away  by Len Deeley (UK)                                                            1’52”

The bird feeder attracts Tits but the Nuthatch is the Ogre.

71 The Inheritance                              by Mary Stubbs (*UK)                                                        7’31”

I delve into an old tin of photographs and remember the history of my immediate family over the last 100+ years.

72 Iconoclasmic                   by Mike Kersting (UK)                                                        4’

No summary supplied.

73 My Journey                      by Carol Packwood (*AUS)                                                               3’21”

This is a simple sequence about my journey through grief after the loss of my husband and the feelings we all experience in that grief.

74 Back in Time                   by Gordon Nicklin (*UK)                                                    7’

Two children visit Blists Hill victorian town museum, with some unexpected consequences.

75 Contemplation                               by Michael Brown (UK)                                                      8’15”

The sequence is inspired by the ancient saying “Gather ye rosebuds whilst ye may!”.

76 A Quiet Garden                              by Alan Lyons (IRE)                                                           4’11”

A visit to a quiet garden on a rainy day.

77 The Golden Plan             by David Pickford (UK)                                                      8’47”

The plan was devised to extend Uncle Jacko and Auntie Eileen’s 50th wedding anniversary year into a worthwhile adventure for us all to celebrate their mountaineering lives together.

78 Histoire d’une Famille Fermee dans un Album by Cezary Dubiel (POL)                             3’21”

The story from the family album about soldiers of the cavalry who went to defend Poland in 1939 and didn’t come home.

79 The Sieve of My Thoughts by Beata Boguslawska (POL)                                      2’ 47”

One restless mind, back, constantly, constantly rotating in my mind, back until catch it.

80 Portrait of The Author   by Colin Balls, Walter Jones & Iain Lang (UK)                               7’40”

No summary supplied.

81 The ID Photo                   by Noël Dumaine (*FRA)                                                   6’

Being photographed by a machine, without being a daily act, it is, on the whole, rather commonplace. But not as simple as encountered here. ….The proof.

Veranstaltungsort* : Capel Curig North Wales
Event-Link : http://www.nwawavg.org.uk/
