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09.Sep; Digital Slide Show Forli
Sonntag, 9. September 2012, 08:00 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 3178

20º “Città di Forlì” Trophy
First International Digital Slide Show

ORE 09.00 – 09.30
 Opening of the event with FCCF president Diana Moreno.
ORE 09.30 – 11.00
 First Adobe session: Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4
 Innovation and power in the service of digital photographer.
ORE 11.00 – 11.30
 Coffee break
ORE 11.30 – 13.00
 Second Adobe session: Creative Suite Production Premium CS6
 Creation, production and global distribution of digital video.
ORE 13.00 – 14.30
 Buffet dinner at Ristorante 3 Corti, 10€ pp.:
 Meat, fish and vegetable appetizers buffet, served starter, desserts buffet, water, wine of the
house, draught beer and coke, coffee.
 13€ pp. adding a served second course.
ORE 14.30 – 16.00
 Third Adobe session: Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
 Multimedia and interactive publication on tablet devices.
ORE 16.00 – 16.30
 Coffee break
ORE 16.30 – 19.00
 Prize-giving and showing of the winning and selected works. Works will be discussed by the
expert Carlo Ciappi in collaboration with Carlo Antonio Conti and a film critic together with
present authors
 Notes:
 Technical-didactic workshops will be held by Adobe qualified staff.
 Participants who want to stay for dinner must make a reservation within 24/10/2012

1. Foto Cine Club Forlì (FCCF – via Angeloni nº50, 47121 Forlì) announces an International Slide Show.
The competition is open to everyone.
2. Admitted to the contest are slide show produced in digital technology. Works can be presented by singleauthors,
groups or photo clubs. Members of the organizing club cannot participate.
3. The competition is open to all subject matter and each author can present only one work of up to a maximum
of 10 minutes. Slide show can be presented in the following file formats:
- Auto running .exe (as PTE, Proshowgold or Producer, Wings Platinum, m.objects and similar);
- .wmv – .mp4v for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 – Files with maximum resolution of 1920 pixels (long
- .mp4v – .mov (files edited with specific programmes as Apple iMovie and Final Cut for Mac users). Files with
maximum resolution of 1920 pixels (long side) – fullHD;
- Works must be burnt on CDs or DVDs;
- Video file content can be up to a maximum of 30% of the entire length of the slide show.
4. Authors must write down their data (name, surname) on the CD/DVD and must name the file with the title of
the work.
5. Each participant must send the filled in and printed participation form together with the CD/DVD and the
registration fee of 15€ (EU countries) or 20$ (non-EU countries) to:
Severi Andrea Via Per Bertinoro 17/a, 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC)
Another possible way of paying the registration fee is to send it by PAYPAL to the following e-mail address:
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or by bank transfer
Foto Cine Club Forlì
Banca di Forlì Credito Cooperativo
IBAN: IT86S085561320000000267899
Specify: fee for slide show
Works are sent at author’s own risk; the organization will take maximum care in the treatment of the material,
but it denies liability for loss or damage. Submitted works will not be returned.
6. Deadline for submitting works: 01/09/2012.

Jury will firstly meet on 09/09/2012 and it is selected by FCCF. Members of the jury and of the organizing club
cannot participate. The decision of the jury is final. Winners and selected photographers will receive a
communication about the result of the contest in October 2012. Results will also be published on the website:
Members of the jury:
Berti Alberto
Borghesi Mirko
Castellucci Dervis
Catani Tiziana
Cecchelli Franco
Cicognani Romano
Conti Carlo
De Maria Matteo
Severi Andrea
8. Prize-giving will be held at 4.30 pm on 27/10/2012 at Grand Hotel Forlì (via del partigiano nº 12/bis, Forlì).
On that occasion there will be shown the winning works and the selected ones.
1º prize: vouchers of 300€ + photo book
2º prize: vouchers of 200€ + photo book
3º prize: vouchers of 100€ + photo book
Three selected works: FCCF medals + photo book
9. Copyright: in accordance with the corresponding laws, submitted slide show works must be free from
copyright or from any other right owned by third party. Participating to the event, authors commit themselves
to protect the organization from any proceedings that could be initiated against it by any rightful claimant. In
case of argument or dispute the organization cannot be considered responsible at all.
For information contact:
Andrea Severi – in charge of contests and slide show at FCCF
e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.
Deadline: 01/09/2012
Jury meeting from: 09/09/2012
Communication of results: within 07/10/2012
Time and place of public showings:
Prize-giving: on Saturday 27/10/2012 at 4.30 pm at
Grand Hotel Forlì
via del partigiano, 12/bis - 47121 Forlì
tel: +39 0543.479586 - fax: +39 0543.478159
cell.: +39 345.5920493
email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.
web: www.grandhotelforli.com

Veranstaltungsort* : Forli / Italy
Event-Link : http://www.fotocineclubforli.org/concorsi.html
