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12-14.Sep; Epinal Diaporama-Festival
von Freitag, 12. September 2014 -  08:00
bis Sonntag, 14. September 2014 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 6396

International festival of the Image in Epinal

September, 12th to 14th 2014



Since its creation 50 years ago, the association of the "Festival international de l’Image" promotes the slide show as an audio-visual media which enable authors to express every kind of human emotions.


Detail of the competition

The competition is opened to directors of digital sequences from all around the world, as long as the conditions described in the 2014 regulation are fulfilled.

For only 15 euros, each author can send as many sequences he wishes. However, the whole of the sequences sent cannot exceed 30 minutes. This expense will be reimbursed to the authors present at the festival

This year again, we maintain the thematic competition inside the general competition.

The 2014 topic is "That disturbs you?” You can choose to participate just in the general competition or in both. Which means that sequences in the scope of the theme can compete for the specific prizes of the thematic competition and at the same time for the Cup of Europa, as detailed in the 2014 regulation.

These sequences will also be subjected to the preselections as well as those competing for the Cup of Europa only.

Participation rules

To apply to the 2014 edition, from September 12th to 24th, you need to send us :

  • the sequence(s) as self executable files ;
  • an identification sheet (one per sequence). See below for download
  • a mini poster depicting a picture of the sequence (one per sequence, maximal height : 1080 pixels) ;
  • the contribution fee representing 15 € per entry (will be reimbursed to the authors present at the festival) payable either in cash, or with Paypal, at the following address : festivimage[dot]epinal[at]gmail[dot]com (please replace[dot] with a . and [at] with a @)
  • an ID picture or a portrait of the author and/or the team director (maximal height : 1080 pixels) ;
  • the mention “thematic competition” for works in the scope of the topic ;
  • a french summary of the text if there is any (not a summary of the sequence).

The set should be sent before August, 3rd 2014.

You can send it :

  • • through dematerialized means (“We Transfer”, or either) to the following address : festivimage[dot]epinal[at]gmail[dot]com (please replace[dot] with a . and [at] with a @)
  • • by mail, on CD or DVD, to the following address :

The previsional program

Subject to modifications

Friday, September 12th

Cultural Center, rue Claude Gellée, next to the Basilica
- 10:30 am: : welcome of the Festival-goers

Multiplex "Cinés Palace", 50 rue St Michel
- 2:30 pm: screening of the diaporamas of the competition (part 1)
- 5:00 pm: screening of the diaporamas of the competition (part 2)
- 9 pm: screening of the diaporamas of the competition (part 3): "That disturbs you?" and others

Saturday, September 13rd

Multiplex "Cinés Palace", 50 rue St Michel
- 9 am: : screening of the diaporamas of the competition (part 4)

- 2:30 pm: "the big screen of the memory", projection of ancient diaporamas which have been recently digitized

- 5:30 pm: Opening of the exhibition of photos : GAPHE Hayange

- 9 pm: projection of some of the prize-winning diaporamas of the competition ...

... followed by the traditional "one for the road"

Sunday, September 14th

Multiplex "Cinés Palace", 50 rue St Michel
- 10 am: Carte blanche to Jacques van de Weerdt and Philippe de Lachèze-Murel: projection of some of their favorite diaporamas.

- 11:30 am: announcement of the prize list

- 3 pm: official screening of the best awarded sequences

Veranstaltungsort* : Epinal
Event-Link : http://diapimages.free.fr/spip.php?page=sommaire&lang=en
