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7-9.Nov; Diaporama Treffen Stettin
von Freitag, 7. November 2014 -  08:00
bis Sonntag, 9. November 2014 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 6637

XXXV Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama - Szczecin (Polska), 7 - 9.11.2014. Szczegóły i regulamin zamieścimy wkrótce,

zum 35. Diaporamatreffen nach Stettin



Pattr FIAP nr 2014/234


   Patr. FRP nr106/2014




7 – 9.11.2014, Szczecin (Poland)

POMERANIAN MEETINGS WITH DIAPORAMA has been a yearly event since 1980. At present it is the only competition in this field of art in Poland. It is placed under the supervision of the International Federation of Photographic Art, and the Polish Republic’s Photoclub.
Its history goes back to 1972 when the first presentation of French diaporamas took place in Szczecin. Then, in 1974, a review of Polish diaporamas called DIAKRAJ II was held there. It was followed by the consecutive editions of the regional reviews called MINI-DIAKRAJ. They gave the basis to the present formula of the competition.


The digital diaporama is a projection of visual sequences together with a synchronized soundtrack, shown on a screen with the use of a computer and a multimedia projector, made according to an author’s original idea or a scenario.
The diaporamas which enter the competition can have the form of an impression, a film study (an etude), a documentary, a song illustration, an essay, a story, an experiment etc.
There is freedom of choice as far as subject matter is concerned.


The participation in the competition is accessible to all the authors (both being members of artistic associations and not).
Each author can present maximum 3 of his works. An author can present two additional works, which he is a co-author of.
To take part in the competition the author must:
         - Send in a registration form
         - Pay the accreditation fee ( the deadline is 6th October 2014)
         - Meet the technical requirements
The accreditation fee is 10 euros for 1 entry or 15 euro for 2 or more entries (exclusive of meals or accommodation).
Please make payments into our bank account: B.G.K. O/Szczecin PL 56 1130 1176 0022 2047 7820 0001, BIC: GOSKPLPW.

Submission of an entry implies that the entrant has obtained any necessary licences or permission to use any copyright material included in the sequence. Please give any licence details on the entry form. Submission of entry implies the granting of permission by the author for the sequence to be shown in public. Unless any further notice, slide shows presented at the competition, could be later plannedto be show as a promotion of our art. The related authors will be naturally warned of the above mentioned shows. This will anyway be made out of any commercial context. In any case, organizers make a commitment not to upload any slide show on the internet. The CD will not be returned to authors.
Submission of an entry implies that the entrant has read and accepted the rules in all respects.


The diaporamas which are to be presented must fulfil the requirements set by the FIAP regulations on the diaporama projection (see Documents FIAP “Standardization of AV sequences 2011” and DOCUMENT 2013/314 AV-E.

- A time limit for each diaporama is 12 minutes maximum.

- Any number of pictures (slides) in one diaporama.

- Digital diaporama a CD
resolution of pictures: 1024 by 768 pixels
on the long side a maximum size of 1920 pixels, jpg.
the soundtrack recorded in the WAVE or MP3 format
autorun start up file in the full screen mode in EXE format (recommended programs used may be: Pictures To Exe, Pro Show Gold, Wings Platinium, Mobjects, etc) file type .EXE (executable) or file type .mp4 (Data compression H.264 – 1080p/25fps).

In order to ensure the highest quality of the presentation, the diaporamas will be copied from the CDs to the hard disc of a computer from which they will be played.

To avoid mistakes your CD must contain a catalogue named “the author’s Name-Surname” in which there should be a file titled in the following way: “Name-Surname-the title of the diaporama”. In the same catalogue there also should be:

with resolution 1024 by 768 pixels the author’s registration sheet (to be downloaded from our website)
a picture of the author’s (resolution 600 by 800 pixels)
a short autobiographical note
a poster of each diaporama (resolution 1800 by 1200 pixels) to be placed on the website of the competition

The CD should be labelled in the folloeing way:
- the author’s name and surname
- the title of the diaporama
- its duration
- the name of the software used
- the author’s e-mail and telephone number.

The diaporamas will be played from a PC, with the operating system Win 7, with a minimum processor speed 2000   GHz, at least 512 MB of memory, a graphics card 128 MB, slideshows projections will be held in the hall of cinema projection booth - "InFocus 5550" projector for widescreen.


  • FIAP medals (gold, silver, bronze)
  • Fotoklub RP medals (the Photoclub of the Republic of Poland medals – gold, silver, bronze)
  • Honourable mentions FIAP , special prizes and certificates
  • Fotoklub “Zamek” medals.
  • Title "The best living author FIAP"
  • Additional prizes may be provided by the organization and sponsors


The organizer will convene a jury. It will consist of members of federations of artists and photographic associations as well as some experienced authors (in alphabetical order): Mieczysław Cybulski (AFIAP, AFRP, hon.zdfp) - President of the Polish Republic Photoclub, Małgorzata Dołowska (AFRP, zdfp) -Director of the Foundation "Photography for the Future", Dorota Kycia (EFIAP, AFRP) – FIAP Liaison Officer, Vicechairman of IFWP, Zbigniew Stawny (AFRP, IFK) – Diaporamist.

The jury will judge the works and will award the prizes. While assessing the artistic qualities of particular diaporamas, the jury will take into account their technical and aesthetic qualities (of both visual and sound aspects), montage and production. The jury has the right to distribute the prizes in a different way (from the one presented above).
The verdict of the jury is final and cannot be cancelled.

Top works admission date :                                                               6.10.2014.
Projections Sessions, projections spécial                                       7-8.11.2014.
Judging                                                                                                    7-8.11.2014.
Gala Presentation & Prize Giving                                                       9.11.2014. - Cinéma « Castle », Szczecin                                                                                
Results emailed                                                                                       15.11.2014.
Awards and Catalogues posted                                                           15.12.2014.


Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle, Photoklub « Zamek », ul.
Korsarzy 34, PL 70-540   Szczecin (Poland), tel. + 48-91-433-49-71;
fax. + 48-91-434-79-84; www.fotoklub.zamek.szczecin.pl ,
e-mail : Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.
Leszek Kurpiewski (AFRP, zdfp, hon. STF, IFK)


Veranstaltungsort* : Szczecin (Polska)
Event-Link : http://www.fotoklub.zamek.szczecin.pl
