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14-15.Mrz; P.Coles int.AV North Wales
von Samstag, 14. März 2015 -  08:00
bis Sonntag, 15. März 2015 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 3190


IAC Peter Coles International AV Competition

14th & 15th March 2015


Session 1 Saturday 14th March 2.00pm

01 The Martlet by Andrew N. Gagg (UK) 5'43”

A W N Pugin is said to refer to his creation of St. Giles Church, Cheadle as his 'consolation in all afflictions'. In terms of its richness it can be called his masterwork, above all the many splendid buildings he designed. We show the completed glory of it, and parallel his all-too-brief career with the emblem of his coat-of-arms.

02 That Picture by Alastair Taylor (UK) 6'51”

Using an iconic location, this AV explores how a photograph does not always capture the true spirit of a place – or does it?

03 Sea Of Glass by Marcel Batist (NL) 3'10”

Westland is an agricultural area in the South West part of Holland. With 6,000 acres, it is one of the largest concentrations of greenhouses in the world. Glass reflects light and it creates a magnificent view through the day and the seasons.

04 To What End by Raymond Hughes (UK) 9'00”

Documentary on Auschwich Concentration Camp.

05 Ultima Thule by Bill Bruce (NOR) 4'35”

Svalbard may be considered as today's Ultima Thule. I have deliberately chosen not to use a voice-over commentary. Instead I have used music by Norwegian artists so that the audience can hear their own 'inner voices' express what they feel when viewing and can reflect on the effects of climate change in the Arctic.

06 Colapesce by Gaetano Anzalone, Gaia & Lycia Trapani (*ITA) 6'20”

Is the modern version of an ancient Sicilian legend, the great story of a man half human and half fish. The legend says that to save the Sicily that is sinking into the sea he became one of the three pillars that support it, Colapesce decides to remain on the seabed for always supporting her with his arms.

07 Anatomy Of An Accident by Adri van Oudheusden (SA) 3'25”

Drunken driving inhibits reaction time to situations such as rain, mists, lights from oncoming vehicles and so on. Texting while driving is as dangerous and should be avoided. The AV serves as a warning of what may happen under these circumstances. I hope that especially young people will heed the warning.

08 Up In The Clouds by Marion Waine (UK) 3'53”

09 For Free by Giel Rombout (NL) 5'30”

Everyday the sun rises for free and nature takes its course. How long will this last? Let us enjoy this phenomenon.

10 Was He Just In Time? by John Smith (UK) 2'05”

The question has been asked – was he just in Time??

11 On Land Of Navajo Indians by Jozef Novak (*HUN) 4'47”

Shows the environment inhabited by Native Americans in North America Navajo land cinematic images.


12 Touching The Ghost by Keith Fisher & Bernard Longley (UK) 4'47”

A tribute to the music of David Essex. It combines photography and video imagery taken over many years at different concert venues, brought together with special effects created in Photoshop and PTE.

13 5 Days by Barbara & David Pickford (UK) 7'49”

A birthday treat for Barbara in Austria.

14 Never Forget by Gian Carlo Bartolozzi & Enrica Cotti (ITA) 5'34”

15 A Dream In White by Malcolm & Jenny Gee (UK) 7'44”

'A Dream in White' is based on a daydream. It depicts and portrays the ambience of the Swiss Alps in winter. For us to experience this was actually a dream that came true.

16 Memory Of A Journey by Giacomo Cicciotti (ITA) 11'33”

To remember the Holocaust by direct experience, Sandro, Frederica and Francesca decide to participate in the 'train of memory'.This trip covers the experience of deportation, starting with the journey by train. The visit to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dacau is carried out in the dead of winter. The atmosphere created from the experience has left a deep mark in the three photographers.

17 The Restless Soul by Gianluca Bufardeci (*ITA) 3'06”

When you got a restless soul, perspective changes, we observe with different eyes, we got no rules. You are living in a upsidedown world, in a body you do not recognize, reference points fade and other senses are amplified.

18 Stained Images by Edwin Bailey (IRE) 11'55”

The story of Irish Stained Glass Artist Harry Clarke.

19 Fylde Folk by Keith Storey & Julie England (UK) 9'58”

The story of the Fylde in the 20th Century.

20 Loving A Woman by Alessandro Benedetti (*ITA) 5'18”

Words, tenderness and the guitar's rhythm of this song have inspired the author to edit as an anthem for love and his wife.

21 Talisman by Gordon Gray (*UK) 7'10”

On a yacht cruise to the small isles, Western Scotland, the crew, walking ashore on the island of Eigg, come across a small ship seemingly abandoned and wonder about her story. The author subsequently traces her history and imagines her restoration.

22 The Survivors by Barbara Jones (*UK) 3'31”

The story of two old studio portraits. Copied and framed and then used as the basis for a montage for camera club competition. The story then became an AV.


Session 2 Saturday 14th March 7.00pm

23 A Chat by Lilian Webb (IRE) 4'27”

A trip to Stratford-upon-Avon.

24 There Was Never Anybody Like Him by Richard Brown (UK) 11'40”

Although he died almost 100 years ago, many of his popular songs are still familiar today. But few people could name the composer.

25 Okavango by John & Judith Hodgson (*AUS) 6'28”

The Okavango Delta, in Botswana, is a green haven for wildlife in the middle of the Kalahari Desert. The sequence shows the natural environment and the wildlife of the Delta.

26 For Freedom by Charles Hulse (AUS) 9'31”

After World War 2, Hungary was forcibly occupied by the Soviet Union. On October 23rd 1956, the Hungarian people spontaneously rose up against that occupation and oppression. Thousands of Hungarians died fighting for freedom. Many more fled as refugees.

27 Mendora by Laure Gigou & Claude Juge (*FRA) 7'43”

Life of Lord Byron's daughter Mendora.

28 West Meets East by Malcolm Imhoff (UK) 10'15”

29 Theatre Under The Stars by Bill & Dorothy Every (*UK) 9'00”

30 Expedition Djibouti by Len Deeley (UK) 5'00”

Tells of an expedition to Djibouti in the Gulf of Aden and our Journey into the Gulf of Tadjourah to dive and also to snorkel with Whale Sharks.

31 Curriculum Vitae by Jacek Zaim & Urszula Gronowska (POL) 5'45”

Very interesting CV of a 93 year old man narrated in 5 and a half minutes. Despite the great trouble and hard life he kept a lot of joy and optimism, setting an example to the young.

32 An Uncertain Reality by Brian Harvey (UK) 7'35”

The world of garden statues.

33 The Past by Jozef Novak (*HUN) 3'02”

34 Bryn Engan by Marion Waine (UK) 4'57”            


35 The Ships Of The Desert by Paolo Grappolini (*ITA) 7'00”

A new day is about to begin on Lake Asal. From time immemorial thousands of camels start their long journey with loads of salt, transporting for days in inhospitable places up to the markets plateau Danakil. Are 'the ships of the desert' the most loyal friends of man in these places forgotten by God...

36 He Was Our Father by Paolo Cappellini (*ITA) 5'09”

Mario Masoni, a 1930s featherweight boxer is remembered by adult children through a letter. He goes to Paris for the European title from a provincial town, Piombino (LI) Italy. Meets a girl named Ginette and forms a correspondence where she declares her love by sending a photo. Mario became a fruit seller.

37 Connections by Alan Tyrer (UK) 6'00”

Researching ones family history can lead to surprising connections.

38 Rural Asia by Sheila Haycox (UK) 6'09”

A glimpse of rural Asia showing the daily life of the families at work and play.

39 Shop by Dave Cooke (UK) 5'29”

The decline in English shopping.

40 Captain by Barbara & David Pickford (UK) 7'24”

We were asked to record a major charity event in photographs and video to promote their work.The event featured WW1 interests and  

Aberdeen Area's success with 'Porridge' the donkey before special guests.

41 Menin Road by Howard Bagshaw (UK) 5'00”

The Menin Road was the route many soldiers took out of Ypres to the front lines. Many died in the Ypres salient between 1914 and 1918. The 'Gate' over the Menin Road was built to remember those who died without graves.

42 Jersey Girl by Gianni Rossi (*ITA) 4'50”

Deep in his heart everybody dreams to cross the bridge and meet his Jersey Girl.

43 Insanity by Gianluca Bufardeci & Mauro Pinotte (*ITA) 3'59”

Misogynous insanity of a lonely man.

44 Leisure by Jill Bunting (UK) 2'10”

An interpretation of the poem 'Leisure' by the Welsh poet William Henry Davies.

45 The Children Of Missionvale by Adri van Oudheusden (SA) 2'35”

The song by Jack Johnson takes us back to our own childhood, vastly different to what these children endure on an everyday basis. In spite of all the hardship, they still find a reason to smile. Missionvale Care Centre is a place of hope, providing education, nourishment and protection to orphans and vulnerable children affected by poverty and HIV Aids.

46 28 Days Later by Martin James (UK) 2'26”

The Metamorphosis of the 6-Spot Burnett from Caterpillar to Moth.

47 Hitch Hiker by Howard Gregory (UK) 3'53”

We were set a challenge of producing a sequence using a given set of unrelated random pictures.....


Session 3 Sunday 15th March 10.00am

48 The Cabinet Of Curiosities by Alan Tyrer (UK) 4'50”

An historical perspective on the development of science.

49 B.P. by Howard Bagshaw (UK) 7'15”

The Boer were forced out of the fertile coastal lands of South Africa to the arid interior, but when they discovered gold and diamonds the British drove them into war.

50 Made In Middlesborough by Alastair Taylor (UK) 7'06”

An AV which explores connections with the area around Middlesbrough and takes a world tour in doing so.

51 Le Quattro Stagioni by Jim McCormick (*UK) 7'42”

Birth, life, death & music of Vivaldi. The loss of his music and its rediscovery.

52 U-Turn by Noel Dumaine (FRA) 5'00”

A social phenomenon to be condemned without limitation.

53 Singraven by Giel Rombout (NL) 4'19”

Singraven, the water wood saw mill near Denekamp in the Netherlands built in 1148, a country estate in nature with peace and beauty.

54 Holding On...Letting Go by Barb Butler (AUS) 2'34”

Love. Death. Grief. Creativity. Human condition.

55 Hiawatha by Andrew N. Gagg (UK) 7'01”

Lewis Carroll's little-known comic parody of Longfellow's epic poem tells the tale of Hiawatha as pioneer of early photography, and his struggles to take some portraits of an opinionated and ungrateful family. Despite an awkward poetic metre, Carroll cleverly incorporates details of the early wet-plate process, as well as telling descriptions of the uncooperative sitters.

56 Black Gold by Jacek Zaim & Urszula Gronowska (POL) 5'40”

Strange people live among the gentle hills, indifferent to nature's whimsies, without homes, family or friends. Time is measured by hard work, the next firing......

57 Just In Time by Howard Gregory (UK) 1'25”

We were asked to make a short sequence on the theme 'Just in Time'.....

58 My Magic Realism by Marcel Batist (NL) 3'38”

Mid-twenties of the last century, a new movement in painting started. Suggestive, sometimes threatening, but most alienating. Artists like Carel Willink, Maurits Escher and Carl Grossberg became famous in this style. Source of inspiration for me, to make my own

contemporary version.


59 Town Bikes by David Pickford (UK) 6'04”

Should we think more about caring for our cities here which are so full of cars.

60 Orkney's Italian Chapel by Chris Bate (UK) 11'50”

The Second World War was just six weeks old when HMS Royal OAK was torpedoed and sunk by a German U boat, resulting in the loss of 833 crew. It was this loss of HMS Royal Oak which led to the building of a chapel by Italian prisoners on Lamb Holm, Orkney, a symbol of hope and peace.

61 Oblio by Paolo Grapponlini & Patrizia Martelli (*ITA) 4'10”

So immersed between tufaceous boulders full of history, ancient figures sometimes appear with uncertain steps. The Etruscans walking slowly in the morning mist, ancient figures who wander overflowing with light, tell about their lives and we explorers of cosmic truths, dreamy souls, seek in history far away truths.

62 Arctic Fantasia by Bill Bruce (NOR) 5'03”

Portraying the mysterious, strange, majestic world of ice and rock in East Greenland. Such grandeur makes one feel insignificant, yet it is also full of fascinating and evocative details when viewed in close-up. The sequence can be considered as a visual tone poem or, to use another musical analogy, a song without words

63 He Was My Brother by Paolo Cappellini (*ITA) 4'40”

Partisan Roberto Ghignoli (Born Piombino 1913) is remembered by his brother partisan Renato Ghignoli (Born 1926). Roberto was part of the brigade Garibaldi, division Livorno, commander of the detachment. Two days before the Allied troops arrived he was slain at Piana San Vincenzo, betrayed by a tip-off.

64 Anna by Daniel Masse (*FRA) 8'8”

In October 1917 a young woman, Anna, lands in New York City. She then boards a train to Colorado, via Chicago. She arrives in Montrose, Col. What is she going to do there?

65 The Great Adventure by Raymond Hughes (UK) 8'20”

A story of young men setting out on the Greatest Adventure of their lives.

66 The Kelpies by Keith Fisher (UK) 2'14”

The Kelpies are the brainchild of artist Andy Scott. Inspired by his use of abstract metal plates to create this stunning installation I have combined these shapes and patterns with a curious instrumental soundtrack to create an air of mystery and suspense as the sculptures are slowly revealed during the sequence.

67 100 Years Later by Jeff Morris (SA) 8'30”

It is 100 years after Jopie Fourie was executed for high treason. Considered by many a Boer hero and martyr, we investigate his legacy with some subtle sub-plots.

68 Dreaming by Alan Boothman (UK) 8'40”

A creative AV, enjoying the mind. “I sit for hours, in a chair inside my head”. Merging my past with a fantasy, to the words and the scenery of Lorna Doone. Experiencing change, whilst dreaming things as they were. Wishing for a nightmare that is better than my reality. “A lie is more real, than the truth of my life”.

69 In A Quiet Churchyard by Eric Jukes (*UK) 2'16”

In the 1930's 3000 people crowded into a quiet Norfolk village churchyard for the funeral of the vicar whose activities had caused national headline-making scandal. This is a very brief account of these events.


Session 4 Sunday 15th March 2.00pm

70 Inferno by Colin Balls (UK) 5'03”

71 Down To Earth by David Pickford (UK) 3'34”

Short account of a very long journey in Northern Europe 'living it up' – and down.

72 Time Of The Season by Martin James (UK) 2'52”

Choreographic Timelapse of a variety of Flowers and Plants as they are affected by Seasonal Change.

73 The Holy Brook by Martin Fry (UK) 7'10”

The Cotswold Lad grew up in the Slad Valley, as free as a butterfly. His life was to change forever. He would never see, like many of his friends, his Cotswolds again or The Holy Brook that flows down the valley to the light.

74 Anniversary by John Hodgson (*AUS) 5'58”

A slideshow commentary concludes with a shocking revelation.

75 Writ In Water by Charles Hulse (AUS) 9'18”

The story of the life of an English poet, as told by his friend.

76 Maglia Rose by Lilian Webb (IRE) 10'58”

A journey with my nephew.

77 Make A Cake by Amanda Elwell (*UK) 3'20”

Sequence of ingredients to make a cake & photos of cakes made from the mixture.

78 Mountains Of My Mind by James Hamill (UK) 8'45”

The Pyrenees – mountains in which I have enjoyed walking for many years and the impression they have made on me and on others.

79 La Tentation by Christian Hendrickx (BEL) 6'44”

Story of a man in the grip of remorse, in search of redemption of his past life. Release himself from the influence of his devils or just go and follow them in the nothingness. What will his conscience tell him to do?

80 Lost Reflections by Brendan O'Sullivan (IRE) 9'05”

Based on the premise that we are all close to the unfortunate homeless person on the street. I used Jazz music to set the mood and with just images and sound, I tried to tell the story of two people who are connected to one another living in different circumstance that find each other again by chance.

81 El Peru'Avanza by Gianni Rossi (*ITA) 9'45”

Even through economical and political difficulties Peru seems to have found its own way to progress also thanks to the important international tourism. But several contradictions and disparities are still blocking the development of this country.

82 Mission Soldier by Giacomo Cicciotti (ITA) 10'50”

83 Cambridge by Dick Sabey (*UK) 7'40”

A walk around the Cambridge colleges.

84 Winter Reflection by Edwin Bailey (IRE) 3'40”

Reflection on the mood and sense of winter.


Followed by the presentation of Awards


* Indicates First Time Entrant

Veranstaltungsort* : Capel Curig, North Wales LL24 0EE
Event-Link : http://www.nwawavg.org.uk/
